LCD Educational Sponsorship
LCD Educational Sponsorship
Price: $3,000.00



Blessings/Greetings from YAH/GOD from HIS BIBLE to you, that include a” thank you Very, Very, Very much” for your interest in and purchase of La Clase Divertida Spanish Language Curriculum Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 Streamline version Teacher’s Sets for $3,00000.  We have precedent in the sale of La Clase Divertida Spanish Language Curriculum Teacher’s Sets to individual schools for $1,000.00 per level of LCD Spanish Language Curriculum. Since public library family usage is near the equivalent in Teacher’s Set ‘school size’ usage, that is the reasonableness of our price of this LCD Spanish Language Curriculum Streamline Teacher’s Set sponsorship. At this time, in our near 26 years of co-owning and ministering, from THE LORD, within the business of La Clase Divertida Spanish Language Curriculum and Online High School Spanish Language Classes (LCD classes near 12 years) and also within the context of our over 40 years of/in our YAH/GOD’S COVENANT Family marriage, both Dale N. Gamache and Robin L.H. Gamache  both believe that THE LORD now has this wonderful wise idea to provide all families, however they provide education for their children, that we can now, with your help, continue forward with these beautiful, in THE LORD, LCD Spanish Language Curriculum Streamline Set purchase/education TAX DEDUCTIBLE sponsorship. This allows us an opportunity to donate, on an extremely large scale, the above aforementioned Spanish Language Curriculum product via blessings from a purchase/ education sponsorship from you and in your name. These LCD Spanish Language Curriculum Streamline Lev.1,2,and 3 Teacher’s Sets,  are going to be placed at local libraries, for each family to check out and use La Clase Divertida  only  ‘at their house’/ “Under their own Vine&Fig” to learn the Spanish Language AND their different cultures. As Spanish becomes more prevalent in our society, families want their children to have the best opportunities for their future by learning the language TOGETHER as a family.  The informative description of each individual above aforementioned 3 levels of LCD Spanish Programs are on the homepage of this LCD Spanish Language Curriculum’s online store. Have Greater/Nice day(s) and only all you are supposed to care about (it is a Very, Very, Very busy world).